Thursday, June 12, 2014

7 months!

I can't believe I have a 7 month old! You are such a cute little stinker right now, we have a new nickname for you, Stinkerbell! But you are actually a really good baby, you have settled down a little bit and are such a good girl!
(This won't be too long because I updated your last one late)

We started you on baby food, you didn't like it at first, you still don't love it but you can tolerate it now. And you drink from a sippy cup! Yay! Mom can actually leave you for a few hours, but I don't really want to :)

Dad started working, so you and I have been having some fun adventures. We went swimming yesterday and had a lot of fun! There was a bouncer there and you thought that was the coolest thing ever. But some stupid kids ran into you and splashed you so I yelled at them :)

You have thrush, I have no idea how you got it but that's okay. It's going away pretty easily.

You are going to crawl pretty soon, you just need to learn to move your legs, and you are starting to lift yourself up on things very slowly, and you sometimes fall when doing that, but you will learn! You seem to hit your head a lot when your dad is watches you, but it's just on accident!

Everyone says you look like Dad. Even random strangers who just met him. I think that's okay, but I wish you looked like me a little more :( After all I did carry you in my belly for 10 months and breastfeed you! But that's okay, you are still the stinkin cutest baby ever.

I've said this before, but you are SUCH A FLIRT. You love to just giggle and talk to random strangers. One older man even took a picture of you to show his wife, I hope he wasn't a creep! He said "Some babies are ugly but this baby is sooo cute!" And you really are, you are getting SO cute. I love spending my whole day with you. And I think you like me a little bit. You had started doing this last month, but you do it more now. When you want me to pick you up and I leave the room you will fuss and throw your head back and throw a fit, and then I will pick you up and you will raise your arms, and then be happy as a clam! I just love that I can make you happy.

I have been putting you in my bed to take naps instead of holding you, and although I love either napping or getting the house work done, I miss holding and cuddling you during those times. You are just growing up and it's making me sad! You are my best friend. I say that every month, but you are. We are good pals and have the funnest times together! Here are some pictures!

Your cousin Dash ADORES YOU. And you guys are about the same size...