Thursday, September 11, 2014

10 Months

My precious baby girl is 10 months! I can't believe I will write one more blog after this and then you will be a year! I have already started planning your first birthday party, which is so crazy to me!

You are a little stinker and trouble maker, but that just comes with age I think. Now that you are mobile, you have to get into every single thing. We have 2 baby gates because you love to go in the kitchen and up the stairs. You love to dump out baskets of toys, so we have tons of them all over the house that we just put toys in, just so you can take them out. Our house is always a mess but I don't care, as long as you are having fun. Your favorite thing to do each morning, is open your drawer and take out ALL your clothes in that drawer. I'm going to record it one day because it's hilarious. I don't even fold the clothes anymore because you just mess them up, but it is so cute!

Again with being a stinker, if you don't get your way YOU SCREAM AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS. When I put you in your highchair and don't give you food fast enough, you shriek very loudly, or if you can't get a toy you want, or get where you want to go, you let us know you are mad. The other day you were stepping on your sock and you couldn't move so you had a little fit. Ugh, where did you learn that! I guess you are my daughter ;) I honestly say HARPER CAPRI about 39 times a day because of that scream....

You love to go to the store with me, we get bored with daddy being as school, so we walk around the store a lot. People just love you there and you love the attention. You just smile and wave to them. You know you are cute. You love to wave, you can kind of say hi, and you just move that arm so big. You also can put the phone up to your ear like you are talking to someone. You also put your toys, food, anything up to your ear to say hello to it! It's pretty funny.

You love to dance and shake your head. Oh  my gosh that head shake, that is all you do these days. If I say no you shake your head, if I ask a question, you shake your head, if I turn on music, you shake your head, you are crazy! But you are a good dancer, we love listening to Pandora every day and just being silly together.

You are almost walking! You can stand on your own for a long time, you  just need to get the courage to take that step. But you are pretty good at walking while holding our hands. I know you will be walking by your first birthday!

Oh I don't think I mentioned this yet, you don't use a binky anymore, which I love but hate. You haven't used one since about 7 or 8 months. Just the other day I tried to give you one while putting you to sleep, you seriously grabbed it and threw it across the room! Little stink. At least we won't have to worry about weaning.

I said this last month, but the bow situation is a little sad right now. You pull them off every time I put them on, or it doesn't look good because your hair is so long, so it overlaps and looks weird. So I am doing your hair in ponys and using bows a lot, which I don't mind. I can't wait to do your hair more!

YOU ARE SIGNING MILK. Holy crap. I never thought the day would come. I have vigorously been signing it lately because you are at that age that you should be doing it. Well tonight while nursing to sleep you did it a lot! I kept making you do it over and over to make sure you knew it. You definitely know what it is, you just had never done the sign. You are also signing mom and dad, and I think eat but it's so hard to tell. I let you watch a show called Signing Time that you just love (mom doesn't though because it's super annoying) I can't wait for you to learn more!

You love food....Anything we give you, you will eat. Your favorite is probably cream cheese chicken, sweet potato fries, anything with peanut butter, and puffs. You love those puffs! You also had your first ice cream that you LOVED. You kept grabbing my hand and arching your back to lick it. I let you have a lot of it but just that once! I know you like your sweets, grandma seems to always give you them even when I tell her no! That Grandma;)

You are still in 9 month clothes, but also fit in most 12 month ones. We have a few size 3 diapers left, but after that we are going to 4 because they fit you much better. What are we going to do if they don't make your size anymore??

You are sleeping through the night now (technically) You wake up around 4 or 5 and then go back to sleep until about 7, I will take that over how you used to sleep which was waking every 2-3 hours.

Ah, I could go on and on, you have done so many things this last month, it makes me so happy, yet so sad to see you grow up so fast. I blinked and you grew up. Each day is a new adventure! I love spending every single day with you and seeing the new things you learn. I say this every month, but you are my best friend. I am so grateful you are my daughter, my whole world! I love your kisses, I love your face, I love you!

Looking guilty and being a stink

Shopping AGAIN mom? 

You are a little scared of grandpa..

You loved this playground!

Ice Cream! 

Pulling the clothes out

My perfect princess!!