Tuesday, October 14, 2014

11 Months!

*Sorry this is late, and it may be short, I am extremely busy with planning Harper's birthday party and making Halloween costumes!*

My sweet baby, who is almost a toddler! You are 11 months old! This age is so much fun, but also a lot of hard work. You are so busy and wild, constantly on the go! Even putting you to sleep is getting extremely difficult because you would just rather play. Our house is constantly a mess but it keeps you entertained, but I'm fine with it as long as you are happy!

You are such a good girl, you really are. We went on a road trip to Colorado to see Uncle Tucker's football team play. You did so well on the way there, and so well the whole trip. You got a little fussy during the game because you were tired, but you still very good. Granny said multiple times how content you are. You just go along with whatever we do with no complaints. The ride home was a little harder, and you cried a lot, but we found ways to help you and you were definitely glad to be home!

You are doing better with not being scared of family members. You didn't cry when you saw your uncles in Colorado. And Uncle Robbie even babysat you and you did well. Scary men and Halloween things though....You freak out! There was a man in Colorado who made animal balloons, you did not like him! You cried the second he came to our table. And I will walk down the Halloween isle and you FREAK OUT. There was a fake Big Foot at the DI that you just glanced at and you were historical.  I don't know what we are going to do on Halloween! I guess you take after me in that aspect.

Even though you are such a good girl, you are a little stink at times too. You will throw a fit if  you are tired or sick of being in your high chair or you are getting your diaper changed, oh geez diaper changes are horrible these days. You love to get your way!

You are giving up on walking, you used to stand up and even take steps, but you realized you can get around much faster if you crawl. So hopefully soon you will realize how cool walking is!

You have 6 teeth! 3 popped at the same time, and you were surprisingly okay during that time. A few fussy days but nothing too bad.

You are still such a good eater. You have not denied anything we've given you. You love sugar.....Trust me I have been SUPER strict on your sugar intake, but the other day you fell and hurt your lip, and we gave you an otter pop and you ate that thing so fast and cried when I took it away. Your grandma and uncles like to give you whipped cream and lots of goodies and you always have to go back for seconds and thirds. I guess you take after your mom and dad ;) You love spaghetti, peanut butter, fruit, veggies, chicken, pretty much anything!

I feel like you had a huge growth spurt. You don't fit in your 9 month clothes anymore and I had to get 2T pants the other day! You can fit in 12-18 perfectly and some 18 month things haha. I have no idea how much you weigh, but i'm guessing around 25+

You are so nice. You love to give kisses and cuddles lately, which if anyone knows you, they know you DO NOT CUDDLE. So I enjoy every cuddle I can get. You kiss your brothers, pictures, toys, but rarely mom and dad :( You also love to give your toys to us. The other day Aunt Lauren was here and she had a handful of toys you had given her, just holding them!

(I've said this before) Your hair is getting so long, I really don't put headbands in it because it's just so long and looks silly, but if I don't do anything with it it looks so messy, so I usually will put a pony tail in or something.

Your sleeping better it seems like. Last night you slept through the night. It's just putting you to sleep is taking forever. But lately you have just wanted to cuddle instead of nurse to sleep, which I'm fine with!

Well you are up from your nap so we are going to go play! I can't believe next month I will have a ONE YEAR OLD. Your party is going to be so cute! I'm so glad I get to stay home with you and love on you all day long. We have such a fun time and I am so blessed to be your mom! I love you with my WHOLE heart. It brings tears to my eyes to think how much I love you!
(I don't have too many pictures because I had to delete a lot to update my phone.)

Being a big girl (chunk) at my bff Austyn's House

Cuddling with mama

Little gap toothie.