Sunday, November 16, 2014

1 year!

My sweet baby girl is now a toddler :| !! I thought I would be so emotional on your birthday and the at your party, but surprisingly I just love this time with you and it's so much easier than a year ago! I am sad, don't get me wrong, I just am not emotional and having a hard time with it. We have too much fun right now with you being 1! This may be your last monthly post on this blog, but I will do updates every once in a while.

You are just so much fun. You love your toys, bath time, you love going on adventures, grocery shopping, eating. Anything we do you love! You are such a good sport and so well behaved. I have yet to see you throw a fit anywhere else besides our house, and that is only when you're tired. You really are so sweet.

You can walk! You do so well with that, a few fumbles here and there but you are still doing awesome! You like to walk on the hard floor and it makes me so nervous! I got you new shoes on your birthday which makes you look like such a big girl :( But you look so cute in them!

You are so wild. You are a dare devil and just do whatever you want. You've been trying to climb out of the tub lately, you climb into cupboards, when you're on your changing table you crawl up onto the dresser. And again walk all over the kitchen on your slippery socks, you make me so nervous!

You still like to make messes and take things out of buckets. We got you a grocery cart and Aunt Lauren got you a BUNCH of fake groceries and you go crazy with that. We don't let you play with it that often because there are literally 50+ groceries all over the place, but you love it.

We went trick or treating on Halloween! I just put you in the carrier and we went to a few houses and got some candy. We dressed up as Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, and Pascal! Granny Sharon also came to visit us before Halloween and she dressed up as Mother Gothel, we looked awesome!

You eat anything and everything we give you. You have never refused a food, you are my good little eater. You are also using a sippy so well. Your favorite foods are spaghetti, cheerios, eggs, and pretty much anything else :)

We are still nursing, but that's okay. People make the comment that you are going to nurse until you are 5, but we aren't going to do that. We will stop when were ready and we aren't ready yet and that is just fine with me!

You weigh 24 pounds and are 30 inches long! In about the 90th percentile. You did awesome at the doctor. We got a new doctor whom I love! You didn't even cry when they poked your toe! You just sat there while they took some blood. And only cried a little bit during your shots!

You have 8 teeth and can chew your food with them. The teething process has been pretty good, you have a few rough nights but it could be worse.

You are still sleeping through the night, but lately you've been waking up at 6, then sleeping till about 8. And you are slowly transitioning into one nap. Sometimes you will take 2, but they are both very short. And if you don't take your second nap, you go to bed early. It's a transition but we are getting through it.

You LOVE to dance. Whenever music comes on you have to shake your head and bounce up and down. It's the cutest thing ever and so funny!

I love you sweet princess. This past year has been the BEST year of my life! Thank you for letting me be your mom and spending every day with me! You are so perfect!

Some cute pictures from your photo shoot!

Another Halloween Costume

I have more pictures and more things to say I think, but for now I will leave it as is!