Wednesday, February 18, 2015

15 Months!

This is a little late, but better late than never right?!

Harper you are 15 months! I can't believe my baby is that big. It has gone by so fast!

You are 25 1/2 pounds in the 90 percentile, and are 32 inches tall in the 80th percentile. Good healthy girl! You did so good with your shots too,

You stopped nursing about 2 weeks ago. You have done SOOO well. It honestly amazed me you did so well. Now either me or your dad just watch about 15 minutes of a movie while rocking you, then cuddle with you and you fall asleep so easily. Sometimes you even can lay in your crib and fall asleep, but we have to hold your hand or scratch your back. But we don't mind. Weaning was hard, but it was bittersweet because I get more cuddles than I did when nursing, and I get a lot of kisses! You love to kiss during those cuddles, and it's the best! It's also nice having your dad take turns and put you to sleep once in a while. Grandpa also babysat you the other day and you fell asleep with him. It's nice that you aren't so attached to me, but I will take those extra cuddles any day. Also you have gotten sick twice since weaning, which makes me so sad! But so weird that it happens the second you aren't nursing...

You have to sleep with a little tiger thing from build a bear that I got years ago. It can't be any other stuffed animal but him. It's so cute to see you loving on him. You also have been sleeping very well. 2 nights ago you were getting sick so you had a rough night, but last night you slept in until 11! We were all very well rested :)

You are talking and signing so good. You love to say mama though. If anyone even mentions mama, you start saying it and looking for me. You also like to walk around the house saying "MOOOOM" it's so funny! You can say dada, papa, grandma (but sounds just like mama) uh-oh, shoes, all done, dog,and you try to say XBOX ON whenever we turn it on or you want to watch TV, it's hilarious. You just go AH ON, but in the exact tone as we say it, it's my favorite! You can sign milk, food or eat or dinner (pretty much all the same thing) bath, all done, sleep, mama, home, more, cookie, cat, dog, You are too smart!!

You love to play with your toys and make messes and also to get into trouble. You like to get into the cat food, open cupboards, play with moms phone, throw fits sometimes when you don't get your way. But you also like to clean up your toys when we ask. We just say ok time to clean up! And you go and put everything away. But then you mess everything up again, but that's ok.

You are also eating pretty well, but again love to make messes. I just took a video of you grabbing handfuls of food and throwing it on the floor just for fun. Little stinker! But for the most part you eat everything we give you, and there is nothing you really hate, you just have to be in the mood for everything.

Your hair is getting so long, you usually let me do it but only for a few minutes while you are watching TV, and sometimes all I can do is a ponytail, but I will take it. I've been thinking of cutting your bangs to get it out of your face but I'm not going to do that, just going to let it be crazy!

Mom is going to school and has to leave you Mon-Fri, you go to daycare some times and you seem to be having a lot of fun, which I'm grateful because I have a hard time leaving you! You are having a little bit of hard time going to other peoples houses during that time, but daycare seems like it's fun for you!

We love you so much Harper Capri! Honestly, you are the greatest blessing in my life and you make me laugh so much every day. My life would be incomplete without you!

I love sucky food! (that's what we call it haha)

Daddy and Chester

Causing trouble

When you cut your finger :(
I'm stuck mom!

Cuddling with Grandpa and Chester
Putting on your make up.