Friday, July 11, 2014

8 months

Oh dear, I'm already emotional so this post may be hard to write! You are 8 months. You are so big!! I feel like this last month you have grown so much and it makes me so so sad but so happy!

You are such a mamas girl, it's the best but also a bit of a pain at times. If I even leave the room for a second you freak out! Even if daddy is there, I have to be in site. Sometimes you do ok with just dad, but you prefer me :)You don't like any one else, except grandma sometimes when you are in a good mood. If you aren't then only mom can hold you. Some people call you a stinker because you cry when they hold you, but I tell them I am with you 24/7. I am your everything at this point so it makes sense! I don't mind it at all, it just makes it hard to get a babysitter and to take a shower sometimes :) we are best buds! I love that I am your comfort. I love that you immediately stop crying when I pick you up and you start giggling because you got your way! It brings joy to me to know that I literally am your everything!

You are sleeping soooooo much better. I think something just clicked. You take your naps in mom and dads bed and sleep for 2+ hours each time. Then you go to bed around 7:30-8 in your crib and usually only wake up around midnight just for a cuddle, not even to nurse. I think you learned how to put yourself back to sleep because you will wake up and move around and then fall back asleep. I think it helps we finally have a good schedule going. If you don't take a nap at a certain time you will be a huge grump and the whole day will be messed up! I do appreciate the extra sleep we are all getting though, but I do love the late night cuddles.

You love your baby food now. You are doing so well with that, and also drinking from a straw sippy cup. You love veggies so much, and are slowly starting to like fruit. You loooove puffs! If you are being a stink I will give you one and that will entertain you for a second.

Still no day you will get one! I'm fine with it because you are still nursing every second of the day :) and you are soooo close to crawling. I honestly think within the next couple days you will start. I think its taken longer because you are a little chunkier, but I love your little legs :) you can definitely get around though. Somehow you always find our phones or something you are not supposed to play with!

You love any toy really. Anything we give you, you will play with. You still love your Sophie though. And keys. I also have a monkey I sleep with that I let you play with everyday and you LOVE him. You talk to him every morning when you nurse, I guess I can give him up if you want him when you are older. I love you that much :)

You are such a good girl. A little crazy, but very well tempered girl. You are happy doing anything as long as mom is around. We love to go to the grocery store, walks, swimming, anything and you are just fine with all of it.  You hardly cry except like I said when someone else holds you, or you are tired and you can't take a nap yet, or if I don't get to you fast enough in the middle of the night.

You love your crazy brothers. Whenever you see them you laugh and squeal and have to talk to them! They don't have a problem with you except when you pull their fur, which is a lot. But they never hurt you, they just run away. Dad says if they hurt you then they are going to die, so if they are still around when you read this, then they never hurt you! Inigo actually likes to play with you!

You love to kiss. Your favorite thing to do is latch on to my bottom lip and suck, which is hilarious. People probably think it's gross but I don't care, you are my daughter and a little baby!

I feel like your hair has grown so much within the lays few weeks, you wake up from your naps with the worst bed head, it's hilarious and so cute!

You are in size 3 diapers and 6-9 clothes mostly. Except your rompers and pajamas have to be 9 months now because you are so tall and your legs are a little chunky!

You like to take off your headbands and whip them in your face and eyes, so I take them off for nap times and always forget to put them back on. That's why you aren't wearing any in the pictures I am posting, you are such a stinker with those headbands! But now your hair is longer, I am starting to put it in pony tails.

You can say mama now, and also do the sign for milk! We have been trying to get you to do those things for months. Now we need to try to get you to sign the other things and say dada.

 You are getting so big! Seriously this month you have accomplished a lot and grown a ton. The time is going by so fast, but I am so so grateful I get to stay home with you and watch you grow everyday. I love you to the moon and back and thankful you are my baby girl!!!

I like to take pictures of you sleeping :)

You did not want to be in that chair!
We took some pictures for Fathers day, I will post more in a different post!

(For some reason I don't have that many pictures of you this month! So here is an old one I never posted)

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog! So fun to read it each month!
