Monday, August 11, 2014


9 MONTHS?! I can't believe it. I honestly can't. I say that every single month, but this time I am in shock! You are as old as long as I was pregnant! I remember the day I had you like it was yesterday, I suddenly blinked and you are 9 months old! This month you have done SO many things, and we have been so busy! I honestly can't believe you will be a year in 3 months!

Anyway, you started crawling! It took you a little longer than your other baby friends, but like I've said, I think you just were a little bit chunkier and couldn't lift yourself up. You get into everything and eat EVERYTHING. We had to baby proof everything, and get a new tv stand that closes because you love to get into all those cool things in there. You also pull yourself up on to every single thing you possible can, you never want to just sit. You are always sweaty because you are constantly on the move! The cats aren't too excited you can get to them now, and trust me, you love those guys so much. Inigo sometimes lets you play on him, but not for long.

You are eating so well, we are giving you more table food instead of pureed and you love it! Today I made you sweet potato fries with cinnamon and you ate them up so fast. You also like steamed carrots, snap peas, rice, chicken, apples, watermelon, pears, noodles, and a few others. We still try to give you the pureed, but you take about 10 bites and then fuss.

Speaking of fussing, you are such a stinker....You are definitely spoiled and you know it. You don't like being in confined spaces like your car seat or your high chair for a long time. You scream so loud and the second we get you out you are fine. You know how to get your way!

You love to be home! You will be a good girl usually when we go other places, but be very shy and quiet. Then the second we get home you go crazy and crawl everywhere and giggle. You went to daycare when I was working out, and they said you were so good and mellow, just memorized by all the other kids, then you come home and go wild! It's so cute!

We have such a good schedule going on right now, you know exactly what is happening when I lay you down on my bed, you cry and fuss as soon as I lay you down, you eat for a while and then fall asleep for 2 hours. And you fall asleep really fast at night. I think it's good to have a schedule.

I'm not sure how much you weight, your doctors appointment is on Thursday! But you are in 9 months pajamas, and those are almost too small. Your 6 month jumpers don't fit your legs, and your pants are getting a little too small too. The onsies still fit ok, but I'm trying to put you in more 9 month ones. You are still in size 3 diapers but could probably move up soon.

You sleep CRAZY. You suddenly learned how comfy it is to sleep on your stomach and side, you roll around like crazy and constantly hit your head on your crib. Sometimes you just sit straight up and then cry because you don't know what to do. It's pretty funny actually! But I get so nervous because you take your naps in mom and dads bed, every time I see you move on the monitor I have to come check on you.

You won your first BABY CONTEST! You got a trophy and prizes and got to be in a parade! I knew you were going to win so I wasn't too surprised ;) You were so cute and did very well. I think there will be more to come :)

We went to Lagoon twice, which was hard, but we had fun. You liked swimming a lot, but you didn't like to nurse or sleep very much because you were so distracted. Eventually you fell asleep in my arms even when it was very loud!

We got your pictures taken and you did so good, I really think you know what the camera is because you just know to be cute when you look at it! That is all I can think of right now, but I will add more tomorrow probably. Here are some pictures!

After winning Princess!

Perfect angel!

Crazy sleeper

You have begin hating wearing clothes and trying to take your shirts off!

Babywearing and be a cutie with your silly headband

Thinking hard about those sweet potato fries

Harper and daddy

9 months in, 9 months out!

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