Sunday, November 16, 2014

1 year!

My sweet baby girl is now a toddler :| !! I thought I would be so emotional on your birthday and the at your party, but surprisingly I just love this time with you and it's so much easier than a year ago! I am sad, don't get me wrong, I just am not emotional and having a hard time with it. We have too much fun right now with you being 1! This may be your last monthly post on this blog, but I will do updates every once in a while.

You are just so much fun. You love your toys, bath time, you love going on adventures, grocery shopping, eating. Anything we do you love! You are such a good sport and so well behaved. I have yet to see you throw a fit anywhere else besides our house, and that is only when you're tired. You really are so sweet.

You can walk! You do so well with that, a few fumbles here and there but you are still doing awesome! You like to walk on the hard floor and it makes me so nervous! I got you new shoes on your birthday which makes you look like such a big girl :( But you look so cute in them!

You are so wild. You are a dare devil and just do whatever you want. You've been trying to climb out of the tub lately, you climb into cupboards, when you're on your changing table you crawl up onto the dresser. And again walk all over the kitchen on your slippery socks, you make me so nervous!

You still like to make messes and take things out of buckets. We got you a grocery cart and Aunt Lauren got you a BUNCH of fake groceries and you go crazy with that. We don't let you play with it that often because there are literally 50+ groceries all over the place, but you love it.

We went trick or treating on Halloween! I just put you in the carrier and we went to a few houses and got some candy. We dressed up as Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, and Pascal! Granny Sharon also came to visit us before Halloween and she dressed up as Mother Gothel, we looked awesome!

You eat anything and everything we give you. You have never refused a food, you are my good little eater. You are also using a sippy so well. Your favorite foods are spaghetti, cheerios, eggs, and pretty much anything else :)

We are still nursing, but that's okay. People make the comment that you are going to nurse until you are 5, but we aren't going to do that. We will stop when were ready and we aren't ready yet and that is just fine with me!

You weigh 24 pounds and are 30 inches long! In about the 90th percentile. You did awesome at the doctor. We got a new doctor whom I love! You didn't even cry when they poked your toe! You just sat there while they took some blood. And only cried a little bit during your shots!

You have 8 teeth and can chew your food with them. The teething process has been pretty good, you have a few rough nights but it could be worse.

You are still sleeping through the night, but lately you've been waking up at 6, then sleeping till about 8. And you are slowly transitioning into one nap. Sometimes you will take 2, but they are both very short. And if you don't take your second nap, you go to bed early. It's a transition but we are getting through it.

You LOVE to dance. Whenever music comes on you have to shake your head and bounce up and down. It's the cutest thing ever and so funny!

I love you sweet princess. This past year has been the BEST year of my life! Thank you for letting me be your mom and spending every day with me! You are so perfect!

Some cute pictures from your photo shoot!

Another Halloween Costume

I have more pictures and more things to say I think, but for now I will leave it as is! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

11 Months!

*Sorry this is late, and it may be short, I am extremely busy with planning Harper's birthday party and making Halloween costumes!*

My sweet baby, who is almost a toddler! You are 11 months old! This age is so much fun, but also a lot of hard work. You are so busy and wild, constantly on the go! Even putting you to sleep is getting extremely difficult because you would just rather play. Our house is constantly a mess but it keeps you entertained, but I'm fine with it as long as you are happy!

You are such a good girl, you really are. We went on a road trip to Colorado to see Uncle Tucker's football team play. You did so well on the way there, and so well the whole trip. You got a little fussy during the game because you were tired, but you still very good. Granny said multiple times how content you are. You just go along with whatever we do with no complaints. The ride home was a little harder, and you cried a lot, but we found ways to help you and you were definitely glad to be home!

You are doing better with not being scared of family members. You didn't cry when you saw your uncles in Colorado. And Uncle Robbie even babysat you and you did well. Scary men and Halloween things though....You freak out! There was a man in Colorado who made animal balloons, you did not like him! You cried the second he came to our table. And I will walk down the Halloween isle and you FREAK OUT. There was a fake Big Foot at the DI that you just glanced at and you were historical.  I don't know what we are going to do on Halloween! I guess you take after me in that aspect.

Even though you are such a good girl, you are a little stink at times too. You will throw a fit if  you are tired or sick of being in your high chair or you are getting your diaper changed, oh geez diaper changes are horrible these days. You love to get your way!

You are giving up on walking, you used to stand up and even take steps, but you realized you can get around much faster if you crawl. So hopefully soon you will realize how cool walking is!

You have 6 teeth! 3 popped at the same time, and you were surprisingly okay during that time. A few fussy days but nothing too bad.

You are still such a good eater. You have not denied anything we've given you. You love sugar.....Trust me I have been SUPER strict on your sugar intake, but the other day you fell and hurt your lip, and we gave you an otter pop and you ate that thing so fast and cried when I took it away. Your grandma and uncles like to give you whipped cream and lots of goodies and you always have to go back for seconds and thirds. I guess you take after your mom and dad ;) You love spaghetti, peanut butter, fruit, veggies, chicken, pretty much anything!

I feel like you had a huge growth spurt. You don't fit in your 9 month clothes anymore and I had to get 2T pants the other day! You can fit in 12-18 perfectly and some 18 month things haha. I have no idea how much you weigh, but i'm guessing around 25+

You are so nice. You love to give kisses and cuddles lately, which if anyone knows you, they know you DO NOT CUDDLE. So I enjoy every cuddle I can get. You kiss your brothers, pictures, toys, but rarely mom and dad :( You also love to give your toys to us. The other day Aunt Lauren was here and she had a handful of toys you had given her, just holding them!

(I've said this before) Your hair is getting so long, I really don't put headbands in it because it's just so long and looks silly, but if I don't do anything with it it looks so messy, so I usually will put a pony tail in or something.

Your sleeping better it seems like. Last night you slept through the night. It's just putting you to sleep is taking forever. But lately you have just wanted to cuddle instead of nurse to sleep, which I'm fine with!

Well you are up from your nap so we are going to go play! I can't believe next month I will have a ONE YEAR OLD. Your party is going to be so cute! I'm so glad I get to stay home with you and love on you all day long. We have such a fun time and I am so blessed to be your mom! I love you with my WHOLE heart. It brings tears to my eyes to think how much I love you!
(I don't have too many pictures because I had to delete a lot to update my phone.)

Being a big girl (chunk) at my bff Austyn's House

Cuddling with mama

Little gap toothie. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

10 Months

My precious baby girl is 10 months! I can't believe I will write one more blog after this and then you will be a year! I have already started planning your first birthday party, which is so crazy to me!

You are a little stinker and trouble maker, but that just comes with age I think. Now that you are mobile, you have to get into every single thing. We have 2 baby gates because you love to go in the kitchen and up the stairs. You love to dump out baskets of toys, so we have tons of them all over the house that we just put toys in, just so you can take them out. Our house is always a mess but I don't care, as long as you are having fun. Your favorite thing to do each morning, is open your drawer and take out ALL your clothes in that drawer. I'm going to record it one day because it's hilarious. I don't even fold the clothes anymore because you just mess them up, but it is so cute!

Again with being a stinker, if you don't get your way YOU SCREAM AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS. When I put you in your highchair and don't give you food fast enough, you shriek very loudly, or if you can't get a toy you want, or get where you want to go, you let us know you are mad. The other day you were stepping on your sock and you couldn't move so you had a little fit. Ugh, where did you learn that! I guess you are my daughter ;) I honestly say HARPER CAPRI about 39 times a day because of that scream....

You love to go to the store with me, we get bored with daddy being as school, so we walk around the store a lot. People just love you there and you love the attention. You just smile and wave to them. You know you are cute. You love to wave, you can kind of say hi, and you just move that arm so big. You also can put the phone up to your ear like you are talking to someone. You also put your toys, food, anything up to your ear to say hello to it! It's pretty funny.

You love to dance and shake your head. Oh  my gosh that head shake, that is all you do these days. If I say no you shake your head, if I ask a question, you shake your head, if I turn on music, you shake your head, you are crazy! But you are a good dancer, we love listening to Pandora every day and just being silly together.

You are almost walking! You can stand on your own for a long time, you  just need to get the courage to take that step. But you are pretty good at walking while holding our hands. I know you will be walking by your first birthday!

Oh I don't think I mentioned this yet, you don't use a binky anymore, which I love but hate. You haven't used one since about 7 or 8 months. Just the other day I tried to give you one while putting you to sleep, you seriously grabbed it and threw it across the room! Little stink. At least we won't have to worry about weaning.

I said this last month, but the bow situation is a little sad right now. You pull them off every time I put them on, or it doesn't look good because your hair is so long, so it overlaps and looks weird. So I am doing your hair in ponys and using bows a lot, which I don't mind. I can't wait to do your hair more!

YOU ARE SIGNING MILK. Holy crap. I never thought the day would come. I have vigorously been signing it lately because you are at that age that you should be doing it. Well tonight while nursing to sleep you did it a lot! I kept making you do it over and over to make sure you knew it. You definitely know what it is, you just had never done the sign. You are also signing mom and dad, and I think eat but it's so hard to tell. I let you watch a show called Signing Time that you just love (mom doesn't though because it's super annoying) I can't wait for you to learn more!

You love food....Anything we give you, you will eat. Your favorite is probably cream cheese chicken, sweet potato fries, anything with peanut butter, and puffs. You love those puffs! You also had your first ice cream that you LOVED. You kept grabbing my hand and arching your back to lick it. I let you have a lot of it but just that once! I know you like your sweets, grandma seems to always give you them even when I tell her no! That Grandma;)

You are still in 9 month clothes, but also fit in most 12 month ones. We have a few size 3 diapers left, but after that we are going to 4 because they fit you much better. What are we going to do if they don't make your size anymore??

You are sleeping through the night now (technically) You wake up around 4 or 5 and then go back to sleep until about 7, I will take that over how you used to sleep which was waking every 2-3 hours.

Ah, I could go on and on, you have done so many things this last month, it makes me so happy, yet so sad to see you grow up so fast. I blinked and you grew up. Each day is a new adventure! I love spending every single day with you and seeing the new things you learn. I say this every month, but you are my best friend. I am so grateful you are my daughter, my whole world! I love your kisses, I love your face, I love you!

Looking guilty and being a stink

Shopping AGAIN mom? 

You are a little scared of grandpa..

You loved this playground!

Ice Cream! 

Pulling the clothes out

My perfect princess!!

Monday, August 11, 2014


9 MONTHS?! I can't believe it. I honestly can't. I say that every single month, but this time I am in shock! You are as old as long as I was pregnant! I remember the day I had you like it was yesterday, I suddenly blinked and you are 9 months old! This month you have done SO many things, and we have been so busy! I honestly can't believe you will be a year in 3 months!

Anyway, you started crawling! It took you a little longer than your other baby friends, but like I've said, I think you just were a little bit chunkier and couldn't lift yourself up. You get into everything and eat EVERYTHING. We had to baby proof everything, and get a new tv stand that closes because you love to get into all those cool things in there. You also pull yourself up on to every single thing you possible can, you never want to just sit. You are always sweaty because you are constantly on the move! The cats aren't too excited you can get to them now, and trust me, you love those guys so much. Inigo sometimes lets you play on him, but not for long.

You are eating so well, we are giving you more table food instead of pureed and you love it! Today I made you sweet potato fries with cinnamon and you ate them up so fast. You also like steamed carrots, snap peas, rice, chicken, apples, watermelon, pears, noodles, and a few others. We still try to give you the pureed, but you take about 10 bites and then fuss.

Speaking of fussing, you are such a stinker....You are definitely spoiled and you know it. You don't like being in confined spaces like your car seat or your high chair for a long time. You scream so loud and the second we get you out you are fine. You know how to get your way!

You love to be home! You will be a good girl usually when we go other places, but be very shy and quiet. Then the second we get home you go crazy and crawl everywhere and giggle. You went to daycare when I was working out, and they said you were so good and mellow, just memorized by all the other kids, then you come home and go wild! It's so cute!

We have such a good schedule going on right now, you know exactly what is happening when I lay you down on my bed, you cry and fuss as soon as I lay you down, you eat for a while and then fall asleep for 2 hours. And you fall asleep really fast at night. I think it's good to have a schedule.

I'm not sure how much you weight, your doctors appointment is on Thursday! But you are in 9 months pajamas, and those are almost too small. Your 6 month jumpers don't fit your legs, and your pants are getting a little too small too. The onsies still fit ok, but I'm trying to put you in more 9 month ones. You are still in size 3 diapers but could probably move up soon.

You sleep CRAZY. You suddenly learned how comfy it is to sleep on your stomach and side, you roll around like crazy and constantly hit your head on your crib. Sometimes you just sit straight up and then cry because you don't know what to do. It's pretty funny actually! But I get so nervous because you take your naps in mom and dads bed, every time I see you move on the monitor I have to come check on you.

You won your first BABY CONTEST! You got a trophy and prizes and got to be in a parade! I knew you were going to win so I wasn't too surprised ;) You were so cute and did very well. I think there will be more to come :)

We went to Lagoon twice, which was hard, but we had fun. You liked swimming a lot, but you didn't like to nurse or sleep very much because you were so distracted. Eventually you fell asleep in my arms even when it was very loud!

We got your pictures taken and you did so good, I really think you know what the camera is because you just know to be cute when you look at it! That is all I can think of right now, but I will add more tomorrow probably. Here are some pictures!

After winning Princess!

Perfect angel!

Crazy sleeper

You have begin hating wearing clothes and trying to take your shirts off!

Babywearing and be a cutie with your silly headband

Thinking hard about those sweet potato fries

Harper and daddy

9 months in, 9 months out!

Friday, July 11, 2014

8 months

Oh dear, I'm already emotional so this post may be hard to write! You are 8 months. You are so big!! I feel like this last month you have grown so much and it makes me so so sad but so happy!

You are such a mamas girl, it's the best but also a bit of a pain at times. If I even leave the room for a second you freak out! Even if daddy is there, I have to be in site. Sometimes you do ok with just dad, but you prefer me :)You don't like any one else, except grandma sometimes when you are in a good mood. If you aren't then only mom can hold you. Some people call you a stinker because you cry when they hold you, but I tell them I am with you 24/7. I am your everything at this point so it makes sense! I don't mind it at all, it just makes it hard to get a babysitter and to take a shower sometimes :) we are best buds! I love that I am your comfort. I love that you immediately stop crying when I pick you up and you start giggling because you got your way! It brings joy to me to know that I literally am your everything!

You are sleeping soooooo much better. I think something just clicked. You take your naps in mom and dads bed and sleep for 2+ hours each time. Then you go to bed around 7:30-8 in your crib and usually only wake up around midnight just for a cuddle, not even to nurse. I think you learned how to put yourself back to sleep because you will wake up and move around and then fall back asleep. I think it helps we finally have a good schedule going. If you don't take a nap at a certain time you will be a huge grump and the whole day will be messed up! I do appreciate the extra sleep we are all getting though, but I do love the late night cuddles.

You love your baby food now. You are doing so well with that, and also drinking from a straw sippy cup. You love veggies so much, and are slowly starting to like fruit. You loooove puffs! If you are being a stink I will give you one and that will entertain you for a second.

Still no day you will get one! I'm fine with it because you are still nursing every second of the day :) and you are soooo close to crawling. I honestly think within the next couple days you will start. I think its taken longer because you are a little chunkier, but I love your little legs :) you can definitely get around though. Somehow you always find our phones or something you are not supposed to play with!

You love any toy really. Anything we give you, you will play with. You still love your Sophie though. And keys. I also have a monkey I sleep with that I let you play with everyday and you LOVE him. You talk to him every morning when you nurse, I guess I can give him up if you want him when you are older. I love you that much :)

You are such a good girl. A little crazy, but very well tempered girl. You are happy doing anything as long as mom is around. We love to go to the grocery store, walks, swimming, anything and you are just fine with all of it.  You hardly cry except like I said when someone else holds you, or you are tired and you can't take a nap yet, or if I don't get to you fast enough in the middle of the night.

You love your crazy brothers. Whenever you see them you laugh and squeal and have to talk to them! They don't have a problem with you except when you pull their fur, which is a lot. But they never hurt you, they just run away. Dad says if they hurt you then they are going to die, so if they are still around when you read this, then they never hurt you! Inigo actually likes to play with you!

You love to kiss. Your favorite thing to do is latch on to my bottom lip and suck, which is hilarious. People probably think it's gross but I don't care, you are my daughter and a little baby!

I feel like your hair has grown so much within the lays few weeks, you wake up from your naps with the worst bed head, it's hilarious and so cute!

You are in size 3 diapers and 6-9 clothes mostly. Except your rompers and pajamas have to be 9 months now because you are so tall and your legs are a little chunky!

You like to take off your headbands and whip them in your face and eyes, so I take them off for nap times and always forget to put them back on. That's why you aren't wearing any in the pictures I am posting, you are such a stinker with those headbands! But now your hair is longer, I am starting to put it in pony tails.

You can say mama now, and also do the sign for milk! We have been trying to get you to do those things for months. Now we need to try to get you to sign the other things and say dada.

 You are getting so big! Seriously this month you have accomplished a lot and grown a ton. The time is going by so fast, but I am so so grateful I get to stay home with you and watch you grow everyday. I love you to the moon and back and thankful you are my baby girl!!!

I like to take pictures of you sleeping :)

You did not want to be in that chair!
We took some pictures for Fathers day, I will post more in a different post!

(For some reason I don't have that many pictures of you this month! So here is an old one I never posted)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

7 months!

I can't believe I have a 7 month old! You are such a cute little stinker right now, we have a new nickname for you, Stinkerbell! But you are actually a really good baby, you have settled down a little bit and are such a good girl!
(This won't be too long because I updated your last one late)

We started you on baby food, you didn't like it at first, you still don't love it but you can tolerate it now. And you drink from a sippy cup! Yay! Mom can actually leave you for a few hours, but I don't really want to :)

Dad started working, so you and I have been having some fun adventures. We went swimming yesterday and had a lot of fun! There was a bouncer there and you thought that was the coolest thing ever. But some stupid kids ran into you and splashed you so I yelled at them :)

You have thrush, I have no idea how you got it but that's okay. It's going away pretty easily.

You are going to crawl pretty soon, you just need to learn to move your legs, and you are starting to lift yourself up on things very slowly, and you sometimes fall when doing that, but you will learn! You seem to hit your head a lot when your dad is watches you, but it's just on accident!

Everyone says you look like Dad. Even random strangers who just met him. I think that's okay, but I wish you looked like me a little more :( After all I did carry you in my belly for 10 months and breastfeed you! But that's okay, you are still the stinkin cutest baby ever.

I've said this before, but you are SUCH A FLIRT. You love to just giggle and talk to random strangers. One older man even took a picture of you to show his wife, I hope he wasn't a creep! He said "Some babies are ugly but this baby is sooo cute!" And you really are, you are getting SO cute. I love spending my whole day with you. And I think you like me a little bit. You had started doing this last month, but you do it more now. When you want me to pick you up and I leave the room you will fuss and throw your head back and throw a fit, and then I will pick you up and you will raise your arms, and then be happy as a clam! I just love that I can make you happy.

I have been putting you in my bed to take naps instead of holding you, and although I love either napping or getting the house work done, I miss holding and cuddling you during those times. You are just growing up and it's making me sad! You are my best friend. I say that every month, but you are. We are good pals and have the funnest times together! Here are some pictures!

Your cousin Dash ADORES YOU. And you guys are about the same size...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy Half Birthday!

Hi my little stinker Harper. Sorry this is late, we were in Texas and we were super busy! I will write about Texas in another blog!

You are 6 months old though! 6 MONTHS OLD!? I can't believe I had you half a year ago, it has flown by. It makes me so sad because I remember when you were this little!!

Now you look like this!

But I absolutely love this time. You have gained the cutest personality and you are so much fun. Every day with you is the best day! You weigh 18 lbs 8 oz!! And are 27 1/2 inches tall! You are a tall chunky girl! The doctor said you will be tall, which we already knew since you were tall when you were born! You did so good at your shots also, you were very mad for a second, but stopped crying after getting some of mamas milk!

We got you a new car seat that you seem to like MUCH better. You had a fit every single time we put you in it when we were in Texas, and we drove a lot, so you had a lot of fits! I think you like sitting up and looking at the world instead of reclining and looking at nothing.
Right after your shots!  (I think you look like me when I was a baby in this)

You have the biggest personality, and you know what you want. If we don't pay attention to you for a second, or you are doing something you don't want to do anymore, you scream at the top of your lungs and let us know "PAY ATTENTION TO ME" I always say "Harper Capri!" after you do that because to be honest, it's a little bratty ;) 

You are CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY. You can't sit still for one second. You have to constantly be looking at everything and moving around. And you are such a flirt. When we take you out places you will look at everyone and talk to them, making them smile and coo at you. Seriously, you have to do it to everyone. You constantly have a smile on your face, you are such a happy baby! It's so funny because I've noticed little kids love you, and you love little kids. At Sea World, 2 or 3 little girls came up to you and said "Mom, look at that cute baby!" Then the mom would say yes she is so cute! It's just so funny. You are very popular. 

You like toys a lot now. Your favorite is Sophie the Giraffe, and a teether toy that came with her that we call Sophies friend. You also like some play keys and your stuffed animals, you have about 5000 of them so we never will run out of those! You got a big sea lion at Sea World that we named Wally that you LOVE. He makes you laugh a lot. You pretty much like anything we put in front of you, especially our phones. We will be sitting there hearing you talk, then all the sudden you are quiet and we realize you grabbed our phones and started chewing on them! I downloaded a little app that you like too, but you mainly like it because I let you hold the phone, which then goes straight to your mouth!

We have tried mainly avocados on solids. You aren't a huge fan though. You just sit there and spit it back out at me. I don't think you really know what to do. But I am in no rush, I am fine with you nursing you as long as both you and I want. 

You are not sleeping great......but you are only young once so I will deal with it :) for about a week you were waking up every hour......I think it may have been that we were on vacation though. So we are still adjusting, and trying different strategies to help you out. You seem to be getting better though.

You are still in size 2 diapers, and 3-6 month clothes. You have tons of cute summer clothes. I am excited to have a summer with you!

Your favorite noise to make is "Bababababa" and you chomp your little mouth together while doing it. You just love to talk and tell us all about your day. And scream very loudly too :)

You definitely know who I am. And to be honest, you love me :) While we were in Texas and you were grumpy (you were a very good girl most of the time) someone would be holding you and you would fuss until I held you. Or if I walked away and you couldn't see me, you would scream, then I walk in and you are fine. It makes me so happy you do that, I love that I am your mom, and I love that you know that! But you do love your dad too, you just know I have special milk for you!

I love cuddling with you, (even though you don't!) I love kissing you and making you giggle, I love dressing you up and taking care of you, I love seeing you with your dad and him kissing you, I love comforting you, I love nursing you back to sleep 48303202 times a night, I just love you. I hope you know that, my sweet princess...I love you to the moon and back! 

Being a diva in your sunglasses. You don't even try to take them off when you wear them!

Having fun at the aquarium

Little chunky butt