Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy Half Birthday!

Hi my little stinker Harper. Sorry this is late, we were in Texas and we were super busy! I will write about Texas in another blog!

You are 6 months old though! 6 MONTHS OLD!? I can't believe I had you half a year ago, it has flown by. It makes me so sad because I remember when you were this little!!

Now you look like this!

But I absolutely love this time. You have gained the cutest personality and you are so much fun. Every day with you is the best day! You weigh 18 lbs 8 oz!! And are 27 1/2 inches tall! You are a tall chunky girl! The doctor said you will be tall, which we already knew since you were tall when you were born! You did so good at your shots also, you were very mad for a second, but stopped crying after getting some of mamas milk!

We got you a new car seat that you seem to like MUCH better. You had a fit every single time we put you in it when we were in Texas, and we drove a lot, so you had a lot of fits! I think you like sitting up and looking at the world instead of reclining and looking at nothing.
Right after your shots!  (I think you look like me when I was a baby in this)

You have the biggest personality, and you know what you want. If we don't pay attention to you for a second, or you are doing something you don't want to do anymore, you scream at the top of your lungs and let us know "PAY ATTENTION TO ME" I always say "Harper Capri!" after you do that because to be honest, it's a little bratty ;) 

You are CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY. You can't sit still for one second. You have to constantly be looking at everything and moving around. And you are such a flirt. When we take you out places you will look at everyone and talk to them, making them smile and coo at you. Seriously, you have to do it to everyone. You constantly have a smile on your face, you are such a happy baby! It's so funny because I've noticed little kids love you, and you love little kids. At Sea World, 2 or 3 little girls came up to you and said "Mom, look at that cute baby!" Then the mom would say yes she is so cute! It's just so funny. You are very popular. 

You like toys a lot now. Your favorite is Sophie the Giraffe, and a teether toy that came with her that we call Sophies friend. You also like some play keys and your stuffed animals, you have about 5000 of them so we never will run out of those! You got a big sea lion at Sea World that we named Wally that you LOVE. He makes you laugh a lot. You pretty much like anything we put in front of you, especially our phones. We will be sitting there hearing you talk, then all the sudden you are quiet and we realize you grabbed our phones and started chewing on them! I downloaded a little app that you like too, but you mainly like it because I let you hold the phone, which then goes straight to your mouth!

We have tried mainly avocados on solids. You aren't a huge fan though. You just sit there and spit it back out at me. I don't think you really know what to do. But I am in no rush, I am fine with you nursing you as long as both you and I want. 

You are not sleeping great......but you are only young once so I will deal with it :) for about a week you were waking up every hour......I think it may have been that we were on vacation though. So we are still adjusting, and trying different strategies to help you out. You seem to be getting better though.

You are still in size 2 diapers, and 3-6 month clothes. You have tons of cute summer clothes. I am excited to have a summer with you!

Your favorite noise to make is "Bababababa" and you chomp your little mouth together while doing it. You just love to talk and tell us all about your day. And scream very loudly too :)

You definitely know who I am. And to be honest, you love me :) While we were in Texas and you were grumpy (you were a very good girl most of the time) someone would be holding you and you would fuss until I held you. Or if I walked away and you couldn't see me, you would scream, then I walk in and you are fine. It makes me so happy you do that, I love that I am your mom, and I love that you know that! But you do love your dad too, you just know I have special milk for you!

I love cuddling with you, (even though you don't!) I love kissing you and making you giggle, I love dressing you up and taking care of you, I love seeing you with your dad and him kissing you, I love comforting you, I love nursing you back to sleep 48303202 times a night, I just love you. I hope you know that, my sweet princess...I love you to the moon and back! 

Being a diva in your sunglasses. You don't even try to take them off when you wear them!

Having fun at the aquarium

Little chunky butt


  1. That's how much Listen weighed at a year haha. Someday I need to meet Harper in person! What a cutie!

    1. Hahah she's my chunk! Isn't it so funny that we both breast feed but they are different sizes!
