Wednesday, May 21, 2014

3 months!

Posted on 2/16/2014

Harper Capri! You are 3 months old! I swear I just had you a week ago right? I can't believe you are getting so old, it makes me so sad, but also very excited for the future.

You are so cute at this age! I can't even stand it. I have to kiss your chubby cheeks about 50,000 times a day which makes you giggle a ton. Everything makes you giggle, everyone is so silly trying to make you laugh. You have a green bouncy chair you LOVE. You sit there and talk to it for a long time, and try to grab the little toys on it. You are slowly trying to grab things, I hold up my phone and you bring up your hand and try to touch it, and you like your little toesies too! I love your feet SO much, they have to be the cutest things in the world! You are a good little talker too, we tell you stories and you tell us some right back.

Your daddy left to Texas for a couple days, and the day he left, you got sick and we had a very hard couple days and nights. Luckily we went to Grandma Julie's house and she helped make you feel better. I think it was your back teeth moving up and down that was hurting you, I hated seeing you in pain :( I just cuddled you all day!

You are still sleeping good at night, you will usually wake up around 4 or 5 and then sleep for a couple hours after that. You slept in your crib once, but you mostly like mommys arms, which is OK with me!

You are becoming a little diva and having an attitude, if we don't do what you want you will arch your back and screech! It's not very lady like Harper :) You are spoiled and we always do what you want because we don't like to hear you cry. Usually when you do that it just means you are tired. When you are tired you rub your eyes which is the cutest thing ever besides your feet:)

You are slowly growing out of 0-3 clothes, there are a few we have had to put away in storage, which makes me sad :( but you have 345465756753 3-6 clothes so we are ready for when you outgrow them!

We love you SO much baby, I'm so glad you are mine!

Sometimes ya just gotta lay the baby do
wn in a cart!

In your Rapunzel dress, cuddling with Ariel! 

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