Wednesday, May 21, 2014

4 months!

Posted on 3/12/14

Dear Harper, didn't I just write your 3 month blog? You are growing WAY too fast! But i'm enjoying every second of it. You are so funny at this age and make my cheeks hurt from laughing at you. Your Granny is here from Texas visiting you and you are loving her. You are cuddling in her arms right now taking a long nap! We went swimming with her today and you kicked your little legs like a little mermaid! I guess that really wore you out! We also went swimming with Grandma Julie and all your cousins except Gabe, it was very busy and you were tired, but you still were a very good girl!

You are very talented with your bubble blowing and playing the trumpet. That is your favorite thing to do. We have to wipe your face every 5 seconds because you spit so much but that is okay! You also like to grunt. Sometimes you will take a deep breath, and then grunt until you can't hold your breath anymore, it makes us laugh a lot! You are rolling over so great! You mainly roll over from your back to your stomach, but you don't really care to roll back over. You have a play mat you LOVE and could lay there for an hour if we let you.

You also like to play with your dollies now, we will hold it up to you and you grab it and mainly try to suck on it. I think your Ariel doll is your favorite ;) You also love your hands, they are constantly in your mouth. But you really like your 2 fingers, which is so cute because I sucked on my 2 fingers when I was little. You like your thumb too.

We found out you will not take a bottle...Ooops! Grandma was babysitting you when she called us and said you were very upset and wouldn't take the bottle. But eventually you did because you were probably starving. But I am fine with it, just means you love mamas milk!

You love other babies, and looking at yourself in the mirror. You laugh at the babies at church and talk to them. And your friend Austyn came over and you liked her too! And every time we put in front of the mirror you giggle and kick your feet. It's so very cute!

I love you so much little girl. You are my best friend! I love spending every day with you and watching you grow.

You love those 2 fingers

Mommy doesn't have any make up but you love the mirror and this wrap!

You love your baths!

Your perfect little family!

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