Wednesday, May 21, 2014

2 months!

Posted on 1/11/14

My Little Princess,

Let me start off with Christmas!
Your first Christmas was excellent! You were spoiled that's for sure! You slept through the opening of presents on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning! But I know if you were awake you would have loved everything! Your family loves you for sure. Santa brought you some presents that you won't be able to play with for a couple months, but that's okay! With your birthday being in November, we had to stock up on toys early! I wish I got more pictures of you on Christmas and in your Christmas jammies, but I was just so grumpy and tired that day, I didn't do much!

Anyway, You are 2 months old! You are the cutest thing around at this age and I love you more every single day. You are laughing and talking up a storm each day. You think your dad and me are the funniest people ever! We are pretty silly trying to get you to laugh at us! You are such a good baby, I think you were a little colicy for a while, but now you are a little angel (most the time!) You love to cuddle with mama, and I don't mind holding you all day, every day :) Lately, I've been putting you in a carrier and "wearing" you, which you seem to like because you can see what Moms doing. I am not going back to work as of right now, so you can eat whenever you want and cuddle all day! Which I LOVE, I couldn't ask for a better job :) you also love your mamaroo swing! (Anyone who has some extra money I suggest buying one. Expensive but has made my life 50 times easier since she doesn't like any other chair or swing)

You have great head control and love to look around, if your dad is holding you and I walk past you will look at me until you can't see me anymore. You also like the pictures on our wall, and laugh at them a lot. Ever since you were born, you were mesmerized by a black and white picture of Jesus that's hanging in our house. Your head always turned to that picture, because I know he was your friend up in Heaven! You were blessed a couple days ago, and you looked beautiful! You wore my blessing dress from 23 years ago! You were a very good girl, and your dad did very good!

You are sleeping much better at night. Usually at least 6 hours, sometimes 7 and 1/2 like that night! Which is excellent, because you are still not going back to sleep after that feeding. You insist on mom holding you and if I put you down you will grunt until we cuddle you again. So I will usually cuddle you for 2 hours or so until 6, then your dad takes you downstairs and cuddles with you until he has to go to school. Our nightly ritual consists of eating a little bit, a little bit of play time, taking a nice relaxing bath, getting all warm and cuddling for a second, then top off with some more milk, sometimes reading a book, then cuddling some more. We have a fan on at night which helps you a ton, and also being swaddled helps. So good girl for sleeping so good :)

You are still easily fitting into 0-3 clothes and size 1 diapers, and you probably will for at least another month or so.

You like One Direction, when we turn on the movie, or their videos, you stop fussing and just pay attention to them. I can tell you really like Harry :) You also like your little dollies, you have about 75 of them. And you love it when Mom sings to you, any song, even if its stupid and made up, you just giggle. I like to sing Capri to you. I know you know that song, I think you remember it from when you were in my belly! You pay complete attention to me when I sing it!

Oh, I could go on for much longer about every little thing you do, but I won't because you are asleep which means so should I! I love you more and more everyday, you just keep getting cuter, which I didn't think was possible! Stop growing! Time has already flown! I will post pictures tomorrow!

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