Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Harpers Birth Story

I decided to make Harper her own  blog. Just to separate mine and hers for future reference! So I am going to repost everything onto this blog.

Starting with this one, posted on November 18 2013

I haven't updated this as much as I wanted to this pregnancy, so I wanted to make sure to write this post as soon as possible while it's fresh in my head. So starting a few weeks ago, my blood pressure was getting really high at my doctors apt. My 39 week apt it was 160/100 and my doctor didn't like that. So we monitored Harpers heart for a while, and she was doing fine. But my doctor still wanted me to have her within the next week. So we picked the 11th. Yes we tried to do 11/12/13 but it was booked! She wanted me to go in that Sunday and get cervidil placed, which is just something that helps the cervix dilate and thin. The day we went in was her due date. That whole day Daniel and I couldn't contain ourselves. Daniel kept asking "can we go in early? lets just go!" And I was running around my house frantically getting everything ready! Then it was time! We went in and it was super boring. I had already been contracting for a little bit, but the cervidil helped them a lot. My mom came and hung out with us and we watched a movie and stuff. Then we slept...Well Daniel did. I was too excited and anxious! Then around 8 they started the pitocin, which wasn't too bad until later in the day, I have no idea what time it was. My doctor came in and I think I was around a 4 at that point and broke my water but I still felt like I didn't need the epidural even though I was in pain. So we hung out for a little bit longer, then I was in A LOT of pain so I called them and told them I need the epidural. Seriously probably 45 later they came in, when I was dying. There was 2 guys doing it, one was a student I think, and he started doing it. I remember him saying "Okay little bee sting coming up" And the other guy said "NOPE It's gonna be a BIG bee sting" Then he said "You will probably have a few contractions during this so I'm sorry" Yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh. I will tell you right now, the worst part of my labor was that epidural and the contractions. The student started doing it and I kept hearing the teacher tell him what to do, meanwhile I was contracting so BAD, I have never been in that much pain. So he is sitting there playing around in my back for a long time, I don't even know how long it was, but it was a long time. So fun. Then the other guy had to come and do it, which took him another 20 minutes, meanwhile contractions were very long and back to back. They kept having me move and bend in weird places, apparently I have a weird back because my mom had a problem with hers also. Daniel was right there helping me and a really sweet nurse named Christi was helping too. Finally after a half hour or so, which felt like 3 hours of extreme pain, it was done. That seriously was the worst and the most pain I've ever felt. And I was only about a 5 or 6 at that point. So girls who do it naturally, good job! It was very very rough at that point. Then it kicked in and life was fantastic. Didn't feel a thing! So they checked me again and I was a 6, that was around 3ish I think. She said probably around 7 or 8 she will be here. al[p;''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4r5' (that was Inigo walking on my keyboard!)So I tried to sleep for a while, my mom, dad, Lauren and Daniel were there. I started having really bad right hip pain, which I had experienced throughout my whole pregnancy just cause of the pressure and them opening up I guess. But I could always move around and it would get better. This time every position I moved to just hurt worse. It was a constant pain that didn't go away, I kept pushing my epidural button but I could still feel it very strongly. So the nurse came in around 4:30ish I think and I told her what was going on, she checked me and I was a 10! I went from a 6 to a 10 in 2 hours! So she went and got my doctor, which took forever, and I kept telling my mom I needed to push, the nurse came back in and we started pushing, then the doctor came in later. I knew I was getting a contraction because my hip would hurt so bad, then I would push. I pushed probably 6 times and she was out! At 5:15! My perfect little 7 lbs 14 oz little girl! It was the most amazing feeling. I wish I had a time machine I could go back and do it one hundred more times because it was just that amazing. It was nothing like the movies, I didn't scream or cry out, Daniel didn't pass out, I wasn't embarrassed at all. It was simply perfect. I can't wait to do it again and I really mean that. (Don't worry I will wait a while!) It was just the best experience and I love her so much. So does Daniel. He is such a good and loving dad. I am grateful she has such a wonderful loving family! So we stayed in the hospital for a 2 days after that which was torture. I just wanted her home with me! I wanted to put my own bows and clothes on her! But I had a problem with my bleeding and they wanted me to stay the full 2 days. Now we are home and perfect. Heavenly Fathers plan is amazing! I am so happy she is in my life!

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