Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy One Month!

Posted on 12/09/13

Hi baby girl. You are one month old today! I can't believe it's been a month! I am sad, but also excited to see how much cuter you can get, if that is even possible! It feels like you came yesterday! I have loved every single second. Sure, we have some rough nights where Mom just has to cry, but we get through it! Your dad loves you more than anything in the world, which makes me very happy. He is a very good dad! For some reason, you wake up and get fussy around 7 or 8 each morning no matter when the last time you ate was. So Dad brings you downstairs and watches TV with you while I get some sleep. He sure loves you! You are smiling more and more, while I was writing this you were fussing so I picked you up and sang a silly made up song to you which you thought was the funniest thing in the whole world! But then you dozed off, so I guess my singing gets boring after 15 minutes:) We got you a new swing that you think is pretty cool, and so do we because we can actually get some things done around the house and sleep once in a while. Because you LOVE to be held, which most the time we don't mind it! You hardly cry except when you are hungry and mom doesn't hurry fast enough! And when you get out of the bath and it's cold, You are a good baby. You can hold your head up pretty good for a little bit but we still have to help you out. You can barely fit in your newborn clothes, and your sleepers are very small because you are so tall! Even the 0-3 sleepers are too small for your long body, so we might have to cut the toes soon! You are eating very good and growing a lot! You are about 10 pounds right now. You love your binky and cuddling on my chest. You also seem to have the most poopy diapers for me, but not your dad, lucky me! Every one makes fun of your cute bows but we love them so we just tell them to shhhh :) We love you more than the whole world Harper and I don't want you to forget it, even though I tell you a million times a day! I thank Heavenly Father for you everyday!!


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