Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5 months

Posted on 4/12/2014

Hi my little Harper Capri. Yesterday you turned 5 months! That is almost a half a year! I know I say this all the time, but I honestly feel like I just had you. You are HILARIOUS at this age. You have gained such a cute little personality and we have so much fun with you! You have learned to fake cry and whine until you get your way, it's like a little cough, and then as soon as either feed you or pick you up you stop immediately. We call you a little diva! You have mom and dad wrapped around your little finger.

You LOVE to talk, that is all you do. It's more of a high pitch scream and coo than talking but it's still the cutest thing ever. If you aren't eating, sleeping or tired, you will talk to us. I call Grandma Julie all the time just so you can talk to her. Yesterday when Dad was changing your bum you told him such a cool story I could hear you in the other room. He brought you to me and I said "Gee, I'm so glad I have such a calm, quiet, peaceful baby who doesn't make much noise!" Because you sure like to talk! I am nervous to take you to church since you developed this because you are quite loud! But it makes me laugh so much! And you love to laugh too, anything makes you laugh these days. You are honestly such a happy baby.

You are a miss rollie pants, we lay you down and you roll from front to back to back to front about 10 times before you get mad. And you love to just hang out your belly (and talk) I'm sure you will be crawling in no time. You are also pretty good at sitting up, but still need a little assistance.

You are very into kissing, you grab our faces and kiss our cheeks or mouth, with your mouth wide open, you are so sweet! It's very slobbery but so cute!

You are arill in 3 month clothes, mainly 3-6 but are kind of growing into 6 month ones. They are still pretty big though!

Sleeping....ugh, sleeping. There is something called a 4 month sleep regression and I think that hit you with vengeance. One night we put you in the crib and you woke at 1! Which is very odd for you because you usually would wake up at 4, 5 or 6. Then that continued, and is still happening, but that's okay. I quickly nurse you, you fall back asleep and sleep a couple more hours in your crib. You used to not go back to sleep in your crib so I am thankful you are doing that now. We had a really really bad week last week when you started that but we have gotten the hang of it now and everything is okay!

You don't really like your car seat if you wide awake, but if you are tired you will fall right asleep and sleep for a couple hours in there. You love to go on walks, so we walk around Target and the neighborhood a lot. Here's a picture of you saying "get me out of here!"

You still aren't taking a bottle...I don't know what we are going to do about that when you stop breastfeeding, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it!

You are starting to play with your toys a lot more, it's fun to see you grab for things when we put them in front of you. You also seem to like books, whenever we read you cute little stories you seem so mesmerized and giggle. You also have gone to daycare at our fitness center, and the workers say you do so good and don't make a peep the whole time! They also say you are adorable :)

You never cry, unless you are in your carseat or get hurt which is never! Plus I know your cues so that helps. We are just best buddies! You are such a good girl and we have so much fun every single day. Each day you get cuter and more fun. I know there is more stuff you do, I just can't think of anything else at the moment! I just love your little personality and I am so glad you are my daughter! You are growing up so fast!

Cute little bum

Rockin the jean jacket!

My perfect little angel!

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