Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy Half Birthday!

Hi my little stinker Harper. Sorry this is late, we were in Texas and we were super busy! I will write about Texas in another blog!

You are 6 months old though! 6 MONTHS OLD!? I can't believe I had you half a year ago, it has flown by. It makes me so sad because I remember when you were this little!!

Now you look like this!

But I absolutely love this time. You have gained the cutest personality and you are so much fun. Every day with you is the best day! You weigh 18 lbs 8 oz!! And are 27 1/2 inches tall! You are a tall chunky girl! The doctor said you will be tall, which we already knew since you were tall when you were born! You did so good at your shots also, you were very mad for a second, but stopped crying after getting some of mamas milk!

We got you a new car seat that you seem to like MUCH better. You had a fit every single time we put you in it when we were in Texas, and we drove a lot, so you had a lot of fits! I think you like sitting up and looking at the world instead of reclining and looking at nothing.
Right after your shots!  (I think you look like me when I was a baby in this)

You have the biggest personality, and you know what you want. If we don't pay attention to you for a second, or you are doing something you don't want to do anymore, you scream at the top of your lungs and let us know "PAY ATTENTION TO ME" I always say "Harper Capri!" after you do that because to be honest, it's a little bratty ;) 

You are CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY. You can't sit still for one second. You have to constantly be looking at everything and moving around. And you are such a flirt. When we take you out places you will look at everyone and talk to them, making them smile and coo at you. Seriously, you have to do it to everyone. You constantly have a smile on your face, you are such a happy baby! It's so funny because I've noticed little kids love you, and you love little kids. At Sea World, 2 or 3 little girls came up to you and said "Mom, look at that cute baby!" Then the mom would say yes she is so cute! It's just so funny. You are very popular. 

You like toys a lot now. Your favorite is Sophie the Giraffe, and a teether toy that came with her that we call Sophies friend. You also like some play keys and your stuffed animals, you have about 5000 of them so we never will run out of those! You got a big sea lion at Sea World that we named Wally that you LOVE. He makes you laugh a lot. You pretty much like anything we put in front of you, especially our phones. We will be sitting there hearing you talk, then all the sudden you are quiet and we realize you grabbed our phones and started chewing on them! I downloaded a little app that you like too, but you mainly like it because I let you hold the phone, which then goes straight to your mouth!

We have tried mainly avocados on solids. You aren't a huge fan though. You just sit there and spit it back out at me. I don't think you really know what to do. But I am in no rush, I am fine with you nursing you as long as both you and I want. 

You are not sleeping great......but you are only young once so I will deal with it :) for about a week you were waking up every hour......I think it may have been that we were on vacation though. So we are still adjusting, and trying different strategies to help you out. You seem to be getting better though.

You are still in size 2 diapers, and 3-6 month clothes. You have tons of cute summer clothes. I am excited to have a summer with you!

Your favorite noise to make is "Bababababa" and you chomp your little mouth together while doing it. You just love to talk and tell us all about your day. And scream very loudly too :)

You definitely know who I am. And to be honest, you love me :) While we were in Texas and you were grumpy (you were a very good girl most of the time) someone would be holding you and you would fuss until I held you. Or if I walked away and you couldn't see me, you would scream, then I walk in and you are fine. It makes me so happy you do that, I love that I am your mom, and I love that you know that! But you do love your dad too, you just know I have special milk for you!

I love cuddling with you, (even though you don't!) I love kissing you and making you giggle, I love dressing you up and taking care of you, I love seeing you with your dad and him kissing you, I love comforting you, I love nursing you back to sleep 48303202 times a night, I just love you. I hope you know that, my sweet princess...I love you to the moon and back! 

Being a diva in your sunglasses. You don't even try to take them off when you wear them!

Having fun at the aquarium

Little chunky butt

5 months

Posted on 4/12/2014

Hi my little Harper Capri. Yesterday you turned 5 months! That is almost a half a year! I know I say this all the time, but I honestly feel like I just had you. You are HILARIOUS at this age. You have gained such a cute little personality and we have so much fun with you! You have learned to fake cry and whine until you get your way, it's like a little cough, and then as soon as either feed you or pick you up you stop immediately. We call you a little diva! You have mom and dad wrapped around your little finger.

You LOVE to talk, that is all you do. It's more of a high pitch scream and coo than talking but it's still the cutest thing ever. If you aren't eating, sleeping or tired, you will talk to us. I call Grandma Julie all the time just so you can talk to her. Yesterday when Dad was changing your bum you told him such a cool story I could hear you in the other room. He brought you to me and I said "Gee, I'm so glad I have such a calm, quiet, peaceful baby who doesn't make much noise!" Because you sure like to talk! I am nervous to take you to church since you developed this because you are quite loud! But it makes me laugh so much! And you love to laugh too, anything makes you laugh these days. You are honestly such a happy baby.

You are a miss rollie pants, we lay you down and you roll from front to back to back to front about 10 times before you get mad. And you love to just hang out your belly (and talk) I'm sure you will be crawling in no time. You are also pretty good at sitting up, but still need a little assistance.

You are very into kissing, you grab our faces and kiss our cheeks or mouth, with your mouth wide open, you are so sweet! It's very slobbery but so cute!

You are arill in 3 month clothes, mainly 3-6 but are kind of growing into 6 month ones. They are still pretty big though!

Sleeping....ugh, sleeping. There is something called a 4 month sleep regression and I think that hit you with vengeance. One night we put you in the crib and you woke at 1! Which is very odd for you because you usually would wake up at 4, 5 or 6. Then that continued, and is still happening, but that's okay. I quickly nurse you, you fall back asleep and sleep a couple more hours in your crib. You used to not go back to sleep in your crib so I am thankful you are doing that now. We had a really really bad week last week when you started that but we have gotten the hang of it now and everything is okay!

You don't really like your car seat if you wide awake, but if you are tired you will fall right asleep and sleep for a couple hours in there. You love to go on walks, so we walk around Target and the neighborhood a lot. Here's a picture of you saying "get me out of here!"

You still aren't taking a bottle...I don't know what we are going to do about that when you stop breastfeeding, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it!

You are starting to play with your toys a lot more, it's fun to see you grab for things when we put them in front of you. You also seem to like books, whenever we read you cute little stories you seem so mesmerized and giggle. You also have gone to daycare at our fitness center, and the workers say you do so good and don't make a peep the whole time! They also say you are adorable :)

You never cry, unless you are in your carseat or get hurt which is never! Plus I know your cues so that helps. We are just best buddies! You are such a good girl and we have so much fun every single day. Each day you get cuter and more fun. I know there is more stuff you do, I just can't think of anything else at the moment! I just love your little personality and I am so glad you are my daughter! You are growing up so fast!

Cute little bum

Rockin the jean jacket!

My perfect little angel!

4 months!

Posted on 3/12/14

Dear Harper, didn't I just write your 3 month blog? You are growing WAY too fast! But i'm enjoying every second of it. You are so funny at this age and make my cheeks hurt from laughing at you. Your Granny is here from Texas visiting you and you are loving her. You are cuddling in her arms right now taking a long nap! We went swimming with her today and you kicked your little legs like a little mermaid! I guess that really wore you out! We also went swimming with Grandma Julie and all your cousins except Gabe, it was very busy and you were tired, but you still were a very good girl!

You are very talented with your bubble blowing and playing the trumpet. That is your favorite thing to do. We have to wipe your face every 5 seconds because you spit so much but that is okay! You also like to grunt. Sometimes you will take a deep breath, and then grunt until you can't hold your breath anymore, it makes us laugh a lot! You are rolling over so great! You mainly roll over from your back to your stomach, but you don't really care to roll back over. You have a play mat you LOVE and could lay there for an hour if we let you.

You also like to play with your dollies now, we will hold it up to you and you grab it and mainly try to suck on it. I think your Ariel doll is your favorite ;) You also love your hands, they are constantly in your mouth. But you really like your 2 fingers, which is so cute because I sucked on my 2 fingers when I was little. You like your thumb too.

We found out you will not take a bottle...Ooops! Grandma was babysitting you when she called us and said you were very upset and wouldn't take the bottle. But eventually you did because you were probably starving. But I am fine with it, just means you love mamas milk!

You love other babies, and looking at yourself in the mirror. You laugh at the babies at church and talk to them. And your friend Austyn came over and you liked her too! And every time we put in front of the mirror you giggle and kick your feet. It's so very cute!

I love you so much little girl. You are my best friend! I love spending every day with you and watching you grow.

You love those 2 fingers

Mommy doesn't have any make up but you love the mirror and this wrap!

You love your baths!

Your perfect little family!

3 months!

Posted on 2/16/2014

Harper Capri! You are 3 months old! I swear I just had you a week ago right? I can't believe you are getting so old, it makes me so sad, but also very excited for the future.

You are so cute at this age! I can't even stand it. I have to kiss your chubby cheeks about 50,000 times a day which makes you giggle a ton. Everything makes you giggle, everyone is so silly trying to make you laugh. You have a green bouncy chair you LOVE. You sit there and talk to it for a long time, and try to grab the little toys on it. You are slowly trying to grab things, I hold up my phone and you bring up your hand and try to touch it, and you like your little toesies too! I love your feet SO much, they have to be the cutest things in the world! You are a good little talker too, we tell you stories and you tell us some right back.

Your daddy left to Texas for a couple days, and the day he left, you got sick and we had a very hard couple days and nights. Luckily we went to Grandma Julie's house and she helped make you feel better. I think it was your back teeth moving up and down that was hurting you, I hated seeing you in pain :( I just cuddled you all day!

You are still sleeping good at night, you will usually wake up around 4 or 5 and then sleep for a couple hours after that. You slept in your crib once, but you mostly like mommys arms, which is OK with me!

You are becoming a little diva and having an attitude, if we don't do what you want you will arch your back and screech! It's not very lady like Harper :) You are spoiled and we always do what you want because we don't like to hear you cry. Usually when you do that it just means you are tired. When you are tired you rub your eyes which is the cutest thing ever besides your feet:)

You are slowly growing out of 0-3 clothes, there are a few we have had to put away in storage, which makes me sad :( but you have 345465756753 3-6 clothes so we are ready for when you outgrow them!

We love you SO much baby, I'm so glad you are mine!

Sometimes ya just gotta lay the baby do
wn in a cart!

In your Rapunzel dress, cuddling with Ariel! 

2 months!

Posted on 1/11/14

My Little Princess,

Let me start off with Christmas!
Your first Christmas was excellent! You were spoiled that's for sure! You slept through the opening of presents on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning! But I know if you were awake you would have loved everything! Your family loves you for sure. Santa brought you some presents that you won't be able to play with for a couple months, but that's okay! With your birthday being in November, we had to stock up on toys early! I wish I got more pictures of you on Christmas and in your Christmas jammies, but I was just so grumpy and tired that day, I didn't do much!

Anyway, You are 2 months old! You are the cutest thing around at this age and I love you more every single day. You are laughing and talking up a storm each day. You think your dad and me are the funniest people ever! We are pretty silly trying to get you to laugh at us! You are such a good baby, I think you were a little colicy for a while, but now you are a little angel (most the time!) You love to cuddle with mama, and I don't mind holding you all day, every day :) Lately, I've been putting you in a carrier and "wearing" you, which you seem to like because you can see what Moms doing. I am not going back to work as of right now, so you can eat whenever you want and cuddle all day! Which I LOVE, I couldn't ask for a better job :) you also love your mamaroo swing! (Anyone who has some extra money I suggest buying one. Expensive but has made my life 50 times easier since she doesn't like any other chair or swing)

You have great head control and love to look around, if your dad is holding you and I walk past you will look at me until you can't see me anymore. You also like the pictures on our wall, and laugh at them a lot. Ever since you were born, you were mesmerized by a black and white picture of Jesus that's hanging in our house. Your head always turned to that picture, because I know he was your friend up in Heaven! You were blessed a couple days ago, and you looked beautiful! You wore my blessing dress from 23 years ago! You were a very good girl, and your dad did very good!

You are sleeping much better at night. Usually at least 6 hours, sometimes 7 and 1/2 like that night! Which is excellent, because you are still not going back to sleep after that feeding. You insist on mom holding you and if I put you down you will grunt until we cuddle you again. So I will usually cuddle you for 2 hours or so until 6, then your dad takes you downstairs and cuddles with you until he has to go to school. Our nightly ritual consists of eating a little bit, a little bit of play time, taking a nice relaxing bath, getting all warm and cuddling for a second, then top off with some more milk, sometimes reading a book, then cuddling some more. We have a fan on at night which helps you a ton, and also being swaddled helps. So good girl for sleeping so good :)

You are still easily fitting into 0-3 clothes and size 1 diapers, and you probably will for at least another month or so.

You like One Direction, when we turn on the movie, or their videos, you stop fussing and just pay attention to them. I can tell you really like Harry :) You also like your little dollies, you have about 75 of them. And you love it when Mom sings to you, any song, even if its stupid and made up, you just giggle. I like to sing Capri to you. I know you know that song, I think you remember it from when you were in my belly! You pay complete attention to me when I sing it!

Oh, I could go on for much longer about every little thing you do, but I won't because you are asleep which means so should I! I love you more and more everyday, you just keep getting cuter, which I didn't think was possible! Stop growing! Time has already flown! I will post pictures tomorrow!

Happy One Month!

Posted on 12/09/13

Hi baby girl. You are one month old today! I can't believe it's been a month! I am sad, but also excited to see how much cuter you can get, if that is even possible! It feels like you came yesterday! I have loved every single second. Sure, we have some rough nights where Mom just has to cry, but we get through it! Your dad loves you more than anything in the world, which makes me very happy. He is a very good dad! For some reason, you wake up and get fussy around 7 or 8 each morning no matter when the last time you ate was. So Dad brings you downstairs and watches TV with you while I get some sleep. He sure loves you! You are smiling more and more, while I was writing this you were fussing so I picked you up and sang a silly made up song to you which you thought was the funniest thing in the whole world! But then you dozed off, so I guess my singing gets boring after 15 minutes:) We got you a new swing that you think is pretty cool, and so do we because we can actually get some things done around the house and sleep once in a while. Because you LOVE to be held, which most the time we don't mind it! You hardly cry except when you are hungry and mom doesn't hurry fast enough! And when you get out of the bath and it's cold, You are a good baby. You can hold your head up pretty good for a little bit but we still have to help you out. You can barely fit in your newborn clothes, and your sleepers are very small because you are so tall! Even the 0-3 sleepers are too small for your long body, so we might have to cut the toes soon! You are eating very good and growing a lot! You are about 10 pounds right now. You love your binky and cuddling on my chest. You also seem to have the most poopy diapers for me, but not your dad, lucky me! Every one makes fun of your cute bows but we love them so we just tell them to shhhh :) We love you more than the whole world Harper and I don't want you to forget it, even though I tell you a million times a day! I thank Heavenly Father for you everyday!!


Harpers Birth Story

I decided to make Harper her own  blog. Just to separate mine and hers for future reference! So I am going to repost everything onto this blog.

Starting with this one, posted on November 18 2013

I haven't updated this as much as I wanted to this pregnancy, so I wanted to make sure to write this post as soon as possible while it's fresh in my head. So starting a few weeks ago, my blood pressure was getting really high at my doctors apt. My 39 week apt it was 160/100 and my doctor didn't like that. So we monitored Harpers heart for a while, and she was doing fine. But my doctor still wanted me to have her within the next week. So we picked the 11th. Yes we tried to do 11/12/13 but it was booked! She wanted me to go in that Sunday and get cervidil placed, which is just something that helps the cervix dilate and thin. The day we went in was her due date. That whole day Daniel and I couldn't contain ourselves. Daniel kept asking "can we go in early? lets just go!" And I was running around my house frantically getting everything ready! Then it was time! We went in and it was super boring. I had already been contracting for a little bit, but the cervidil helped them a lot. My mom came and hung out with us and we watched a movie and stuff. Then we slept...Well Daniel did. I was too excited and anxious! Then around 8 they started the pitocin, which wasn't too bad until later in the day, I have no idea what time it was. My doctor came in and I think I was around a 4 at that point and broke my water but I still felt like I didn't need the epidural even though I was in pain. So we hung out for a little bit longer, then I was in A LOT of pain so I called them and told them I need the epidural. Seriously probably 45 later they came in, when I was dying. There was 2 guys doing it, one was a student I think, and he started doing it. I remember him saying "Okay little bee sting coming up" And the other guy said "NOPE It's gonna be a BIG bee sting" Then he said "You will probably have a few contractions during this so I'm sorry" Yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh. I will tell you right now, the worst part of my labor was that epidural and the contractions. The student started doing it and I kept hearing the teacher tell him what to do, meanwhile I was contracting so BAD, I have never been in that much pain. So he is sitting there playing around in my back for a long time, I don't even know how long it was, but it was a long time. So fun. Then the other guy had to come and do it, which took him another 20 minutes, meanwhile contractions were very long and back to back. They kept having me move and bend in weird places, apparently I have a weird back because my mom had a problem with hers also. Daniel was right there helping me and a really sweet nurse named Christi was helping too. Finally after a half hour or so, which felt like 3 hours of extreme pain, it was done. That seriously was the worst and the most pain I've ever felt. And I was only about a 5 or 6 at that point. So girls who do it naturally, good job! It was very very rough at that point. Then it kicked in and life was fantastic. Didn't feel a thing! So they checked me again and I was a 6, that was around 3ish I think. She said probably around 7 or 8 she will be here. al[p;''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4r5' (that was Inigo walking on my keyboard!)So I tried to sleep for a while, my mom, dad, Lauren and Daniel were there. I started having really bad right hip pain, which I had experienced throughout my whole pregnancy just cause of the pressure and them opening up I guess. But I could always move around and it would get better. This time every position I moved to just hurt worse. It was a constant pain that didn't go away, I kept pushing my epidural button but I could still feel it very strongly. So the nurse came in around 4:30ish I think and I told her what was going on, she checked me and I was a 10! I went from a 6 to a 10 in 2 hours! So she went and got my doctor, which took forever, and I kept telling my mom I needed to push, the nurse came back in and we started pushing, then the doctor came in later. I knew I was getting a contraction because my hip would hurt so bad, then I would push. I pushed probably 6 times and she was out! At 5:15! My perfect little 7 lbs 14 oz little girl! It was the most amazing feeling. I wish I had a time machine I could go back and do it one hundred more times because it was just that amazing. It was nothing like the movies, I didn't scream or cry out, Daniel didn't pass out, I wasn't embarrassed at all. It was simply perfect. I can't wait to do it again and I really mean that. (Don't worry I will wait a while!) It was just the best experience and I love her so much. So does Daniel. He is such a good and loving dad. I am grateful she has such a wonderful loving family! So we stayed in the hospital for a 2 days after that which was torture. I just wanted her home with me! I wanted to put my own bows and clothes on her! But I had a problem with my bleeding and they wanted me to stay the full 2 days. Now we are home and perfect. Heavenly Fathers plan is amazing! I am so happy she is in my life!